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ADR System Design

A good ADR system helps to match each kind of dispute with the process that would be best suited to solve it, considering the internal culture of an organization экскурсия на Куршскую Косу. Because there is no single universal one solution for disputes, the organization must accurately assess its needs to determine which processes are appropriate in a variety of circumstances, and how they can best be incorporated.

What are the Goals of ADR System Design
As previously stated, each company and each dispute will have its differences. However, there do tend to be basic goals that are the same for all ADR systems:

• Lessen the overall amount of disputes and frequency of disputes
• Save costs on resolving disputes (less money spent on litigation)
• Resolve disputes quickly and easily
• Allow an outlet for those filing the dispute to air their grievances
• Achieve results that are measurable
• Maintain good relationships
• Avoid protracted disputes by establishing a standard process to deal with disputes as they arise
• Implement flexibility in processes that are effective enough to handle a range of disputes type.

System Design Methods Our approach to system design is to work hand-in-hand with key team members. We know how to build a good ADR system, but we will need the company subject matter experts to weigh in as we create the system.

Typically, we will create a design team that includes staff members from our office and key personnel from the company. Our team members will lend their considerable ADR expertise to the project. Key employees will articulate and integrate a comprehensive understanding of the organization's goals.

Typical ADR System design tools include:

• Identifying the main issues (and causes) through focus groups, employee and stakeholder surveys, meetings and interviews.

• Analyzing organizational needs

• Defining appropriate methods such as prevention, negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and peer   review.

• Considering a range of resolution methods

• Establishing pilot projects and related training and education where appropriate

• Evaluating the system to enhance and improve its implementation

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Mediate ASAP LLC
1 East Broward Blvd.
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Ft. Lauderdale
FL 33301


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